24 hours a day we can accept a contact
Easily set up & inflate in a few minutes…
Drill, Drill, Drill! If one skill cushion is not challenging enough, add another
Unzip to deflate in seconds- no time lost in transition from …
Drill to Skill!!
Click for Special Pricing Now!
The FastFluff™ Vault & Floor Trainer is the ideal gymnastics training tool to help athletes transition from Drill positions to Skill performance. It’s lightweight, portable, and sets up and minutes on standard gym landing surfaces, resi-pits, and even loose foam pits. The 50 pound inflatable Vault & Floor trainer replaces hundreds of pounds of Mats that need to be stacked high to perform the same skill building function.
New Inflatable Gym Vault Trainer
“We use our Pit Fluffer multiple times a week. Pit fluffing takes so much time and is very cumbersome. We have a very safe pit for our athletes to train in every day with almost no time wasted at all. Thank you!”
Justin Spring
Head Men’s Gymnastics Coach,
University of Illinois
I am proud to say we have the first pit fluffing system in the great state of Texas and once all my gym colleagues see it in action, I can bet they will want one for their own gyms!
Frank Kudlac
Achievers, TX
Keeping our pits safely fluffed is always a challenge, especially in our biggest pits. We run FastFluff once or twice a day and it makes all the difference. The job it does in the pit the size of ours is remarkable.
John Roethlisberger
Flip Fest Camp, TN
Email : info@pitfluffer.com
Phone number : 1-610-247-9134
Address : Philadelphia, PA
Info PDFs:
FastFluff™ Vault & Floor Trainer Brochure